Who am I?

Some people call me the space cowboy, some call me the gangster of love... Some people call me... Nancy. 

All jokes aside, I'm a 24 year-old girl living in Vancouver, BC, Canada who really loves to eat!

I'm a born and bred Vancouverite but I've spent lots of time travelling to places like China, Japan, France, and I even lived in London, England for two years (gotta love those working holiday visas!). After all that travel and working for leading luxury fashion companies both in Vancouver and in London, I'm finally finishing up my final year of university (Bachelor's degree in English and a Certificate in Media Studies)! Phew. Working full time and studying full time is just as much of the full-time job you would expect!

I've always been a writer at heart so this blog lets out my pent up creativity while sharing some fun things I'm cooking and eating! I have also always loved meeting new people and connecting with lovely and like-minded people so be sure to comment on any blogs you click onto or reach out to me via email!

Let's eat, drink, and be friends!